Air-socket/164 0.1m cables for 5VmA and 5V6A
Air-socket/164 0.2m cables
for 5VmA and 5V6A
Air-socket/164 0.5m cables
Air-socket/164 2m cables for 5VmA and 5V6A
for 5V12A
Air-socket/164 2m cables
0.5m cables for Neware voltage aux channels
3m cables for Neware voltage aux channels
4m cables for Neware voltage aux channels
Temp Aux Thermo-couple sensor with 2.3m cables
Temp Aux Thermo-couple sensor with 3m cables
Temp Aux Thermo-couple sensor with 4m cables
Temp Aux Thermo-couple sensor with 5m cables
Temp Aux Thermo-couple sensor with 6m cables
Temp Aux Thermo-resistor sensor with 0.5m cables
Temp Aux Thermo-resistor sensor with 3m cables
Temp Aux Thermo-resistor sensor with 5m cables
Temp Aux Thermo-resistor sensor with 6m cables
Separated Polymer Clamps
current up to 10A
Unseparated Polymer Clamps
current up to 12A
Clamps for coin cells
Alligator clamps current up to 10A
Big Alligator Clamps
Ring connectors with inner
diameter 6mm
diameter 10mm
diameter 12mm
3U up-down universal holder
5U up-down universal holder
Tray for high current tester
Tray for mA and 5V6A testers
Tray for mA, 5V6A /12A tester
Upper part and bottom part of universal holder of 5V6A machine.
Upper part and bottom part of universal holder of 5V6A machine
Cylindrical cell holder, works for 32950 32650 26650 18650 14500
8-slot pcb board
Dual layer rack/shelf
Single layer rack/shelf
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